AlgebraicPetri Integration

First, let's load all the libraries and define the simple SIR model in AlgebraicPetri.jl.

using EasyModelAnalysis
using UnPack
using AlgebraicPetri
using AlgebraicPetri.Epidemiology
using AlgebraicPetri.BilayerNetworks

using Catlab
using Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra
import Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra: migrate!
using Catlab.WiringDiagrams
using Catlab.Programs.RelationalPrograms

# Define SIR Model
sir = @relation (s, i, r) begin
    infection(s, i)
    recovery(i, r)

# Convert to Epidemiology petri net
psir = apex(oapply_epi(sir))

# Create empty bilayer network
bnsir = LabelledBilayerNetwork()
# migrate petri model to bilayer network
migrate!(bnsir, psir)
AlgebraicPetri.BilayerNetworks.LabelledBilayerNetwork with elements Qin = 1:3, Qout = 1:3, Win = 1:3, Wn = 1:3, Wa = 1:3, Box = 1:2
Qin variable
1 S
2 I
3 R
Qout tanvar
1 S
2 I
3 R
Win arg call
1 1 1
2 2 1
3 2 2
Wn efflux effusion
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 2 2
Wa influx infusion
1 1 2
2 1 2
3 2 3
Box parameter
1 inf
2 rec

Then, we can use ODESystem to convert the Petri net to an ODESystem and all the analysis functionalities would follow naturally.

sys = ODESystem(bnsir)
@unpack S, I, R, inf, rec = sys
prob = ODEProblem(sys, [S => 0.9, I => 0.1, R => 0.0], (0, 10.0), [inf => 7.0, rec => 1.0])
sol = solve(prob)
tmax, imax = get_max_t(prob, I)
plt = plot(sol)
scatter!(plt, [tmax], [imax], lab = "Maximum infection", leg = :topright)
Example block output