Piecewise Linear and Natural Neighbour Inteprolation for an Advection-Diffusion Equation

In this tutorial, we have three aims:

  1. Demonstrate how to solve an advection-diffusion equation.
  2. Demonstrate how piecewise linear interpolation can be applied to a PDE solution at each time.
  3. Demonstrate how NaturalNeighbours.jl can be applied to compute more accurate interpolants than piecewise linear interpolation at each time.

The equation we will be considering is

\[\begin{equation}\label{eq:advdiffeq} \begin{aligned} \pdv{u}{t} &= D\pdv[2]{u}{x} + D\pdv[2]{u}{y} - \nu\pdv{u}{x}, \end{aligned} \end{equation}\]

with $u(\vb x, 0) = \delta(\vb x)$ and homogeneous Dirichlet conditions, where $\delta$ is the Dirac delta function. This equation is defined on $\mathbb R^2$, but we will replace $\mathbb R^2$ with $\Omega = [-L, L]^2$ for $L = 30$.

Solving the problem

We start by defining and solving the problem associated with \eqref{eq:advdiffeq}. For the mesh, we could use triangulate_rectangle, but we want to put most of the triangles near the origin, so we need to use refine! on an initial mesh.

using DelaunayTriangulation, FiniteVolumeMethod, LinearAlgebra, CairoMakie
L = 30
tri = triangulate_rectangle(-L, L, -L, L, 2, 2, single_boundary=true)
tot_area = get_area(tri)
max_area_function = (A, r) -> 1e-6tot_area * r^2 / A
area_constraint = (_tri, T) -> begin
    u, v, w = triangle_vertices(T)
    p, q, r = get_point(_tri, u, v, w)
    c = (p .+ q .+ r) ./ 3
    dist_to_origin = norm(c)
    A = DelaunayTriangulation.triangle_area(p, q, r)
    flag = A ≥ max_area_function(A, dist_to_origin)
    return flag
refine!(tri; min_angle=33.0, custom_constraint=area_constraint)
Example block output
mesh = FVMGeometry(tri)
FVMGeometry with 5000 control volumes, 9863 triangles, and 14862 edges

The boundary conditions are homogeneous Dirichlet conditions.

BCs = BoundaryConditions(mesh, (x, y, t, u, p) -> zero(u), Dirichlet)
BoundaryConditions with 1 boundary condition with type Dirichlet

We now need to define the actual problem. We need to write \eqref{eq:advdiffeq} in the form

\[\pdv{u}{t} + \div\vb q = 0.\]

To do this, write:

\[\begin{align*} \div \vb q &= \nu\pdv{u}{x} - D\pdv[2]{u}{x} - D\pdv[2]{u}{y} \\ &= \pdv{x}\left(\nu u - D\pdv{u}{x}\right) - \pdv{y}\left(D\pdv{u}{y}\right) \\ &= \div \begin{bmatrix} \nu u - D\pdv{u}{x} & -D\pdv{u}{y} \end{bmatrix}^{\mkern-1.5mu\mathsf{T}} \\ &= \div \left(\boldsymbol\nu u - D\grad u\right), \end{align*}\]

where $\boldsymbol\nu = (\nu, 0)^{\mkern-1.5mu\mathsf{T}}$. Thus, we can write

\[\vb q = \boldsymbol\nu u - D\grad u.\]

We now have our flux function. Next, let us define the initial condition. We approximate by

\[\delta(\vb x) \approx g(\vb x) \approx \frac{1}{\varepsilon^2\pi}\exp\left[-\frac{1}{\varepsilon^2}\left(x^2+y^2\right)\right],\]

taking $\varepsilon=1/10$. We can now define the problem. Remember that the flux function takes argument $(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)$ rather than $u$, replacing $u$ with $u(x, y) = \alpha x + \beta y + \gamma$, and it returns a Tuple representing the vector. We let $D = 0.02$ and $\nu = 0.05$.

ε = 1 / 10
f = (x, y) -> 1 / (ε^2 * π) * exp(-(x^2 + y^2) / ε^2)
initial_condition = [f(x, y) for (x, y) in DelaunayTriangulation.each_point(tri)]
flux_function = (x, y, t, α, β, γ, p) -> begin
    ∂x = α
    ∂y = β
    u = α * x + β * y + γ
    qx = p.ν * u - p.D * ∂x
    qy = -p.D * ∂y
    return (qx, qy)
flux_parameters = (D=0.02, ν=0.05)
final_time = 250.0
prob = FVMProblem(mesh, BCs;
FVMProblem with 5000 nodes and time span (0.0, 250.0)

Now we can solve and visualise the solution.

using OrdinaryDiffEq, LinearSolve
times = [0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250]
sol = solve(prob, TRBDF2(linsolve=KLUFactorization()), saveat=times)
retcode: Success
Interpolation: 1st order linear
t: 7-element Vector{Float64}:
u: 7-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  4.066753277540322e-43, 2.8488474322795543e-43, 4.315187764870875e-45, 2.3763698684298e-60, 9.538998133281113e-76, 2.739164872714823e-13, 6.674334606384418e-34, 1.5161331091198345e-34, 1.8260620142440974e-53, 8.086415835844593e-49]
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  8.23391997022047e-30, 5.220549814653682e-30, 1.665040775330767e-31, 1.6287700877090987e-44, 1.3043455222872805e-61, 3.6821472458732825e-9, 6.863512829318162e-25, 3.6771170552058965e-25, 9.979807767569023e-39, 7.218675196322838e-39]
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  1.0037247923574523e-20, 6.17993998587632e-21, 3.772815609901226e-22, 3.521549469355037e-33, 6.765897480868023e-52, 1.1196445589629383e-7, 4.205657619757498e-19, 4.536546819359947e-19, 7.4693580958375195e-28, 2.083588318564695e-32]
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  4.908458497667812e-13, 2.9060727865728184e-13, 3.5971580000417557e-14, 5.312123913386845e-23, 1.4276295087831808e-43, 1.8093743100641382e-7, 9.27098723225602e-15, 2.192002102304295e-14, 3.594755349154432e-18, -1.6298087013358494e-26]
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  3.0829497438864826e-7, 1.685120218904999e-7, 4.4773936794186886e-8, 2.1269125888694875e-14, 2.869025096521627e-37, 1.4318543489079493e-8, 8.618275784888957e-13, 7.143467422040313e-12, 2.740717522881799e-10, 6.812201191203553e-24]
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  6.328015246343963e-6, 3.345492869067269e-6, 1.1443535522097138e-6, 4.276332819229381e-12, 7.548437172778271e-36, 2.862046871670017e-9, 1.7195462706059908e-13, 1.0367224737470748e-11, 2.6911442304263533e-8, 1.1926434933074073e-21]
using CairoMakie
fig = Figure(fontsize=38)
for i in eachindex(sol)
    ax = Axis(fig[1, i], width=400, height=400,
        xlabel="x", ylabel="y",
        title="t = $(sol.t[i])",
    tricontourf!(ax, tri, sol.u[i], levels=0:0.00001:0.001, extendhigh=:auto, extendlow=:auto, colormap=:matter)
    ylims!(ax, -10, 10)

        !DelaunayTriangulation.has_vertex(tri, i) && continue

Piecewise linear interpolation

As mentioned in mathematical details section, a key part of the finite volume method is the assumption that $u$ is piecewise linear between each triangular element, letting $u(x, y) = \alpha x + \beta y + \gamma$. Thus, it may be natural to want to interpolate the solution using piecewise linear interpolation. This could be done by making use of jump_and_march from DelaunayTriangulation.jl to find the triangle containing a given point $(x, y)$ and then use pl_interpolate to interpolate the solution at the point; we do not provide a method that gets this triangle for you and then interpolates without this intermediate jump_and_march, as it is typically more efficient to first obtain all the triangles you need and then interpolate. In what follows, we:

  1. Define a grid to interpolate over.
  2. Find the triangles containing each point in the grid.
  3. Interpolate at each point for the given times.

We consider the times $t = 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250$. You could also of course amend the procedure so that you evaluate the interpolant at each time for a given point first, allowing you to avoid storing the triangle since you only consider each point a single time.

x = LinRange(-L, L, 250)
y = LinRange(-L, L, 250)
triangles = Matrix{NTuple{3,Int}}(undef, length(x), length(y))
for j in eachindex(y)
    for i in eachindex(x)
        triangles[i, j] = jump_and_march(tri, (x[i], y[j]))
interpolated_vals = zeros(length(x), length(y), length(sol))
for k in eachindex(sol)
    for j in eachindex(y)
        for i in eachindex(x)
            interpolated_vals[i, j, k] = pl_interpolate(prob, triangles[i, j], sol.u[k], x[i], y[j])

Let's visualise these results to check their accuracy. We compute the triangulation of our grid to make the tricontourf call faster.

_tri = triangulate([[x for x in x, _ in y] |> vec [y for _ in x, y in y] |> vec]')
fig = Figure(fontsize=38)
for i in eachindex(sol)
    ax = Axis(fig[1, i], width=400, height=400,
        xlabel="x", ylabel="y",
        title="t = $(sol.t[i])",
    tricontourf!(ax, _tri, interpolated_vals[:, :, i] |> vec, levels=0:0.00001:0.001, extendhigh=:auto, extendlow=:auto, colormap=:matter)
    ylims!(ax, -10, 10)
Example block output

Natural neighbour interpolation

Since the solution is defined over a triangulation, the most natural form of inteprolation to use, other than piecewise linear interpolation, is natural neighbour interpolation. We can use NaturalNeighbours.jl for this; NaturalNeighbours.jl also provides the same piecewise linear interpolant above via its Triangle() interpolator, which may be more efficient as it has multithreading built in.

The way to construct a natural neighbour interpolant is as follows, where we provide the interpolant with the solution at $t = 50$.

using NaturalNeighbours
itp = interpolate(tri, sol.u[4], derivatives=true) # sol.t[4] == 50
retcode: Success
Interpolation: 1st order linear
t: 7-element Vector{Float64}:
u: 7-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  4.066753277540322e-43, 2.8488474322795543e-43, 4.315187764870875e-45, 2.3763698684298e-60, 9.538998133281113e-76, 2.739164872714823e-13, 6.674334606384418e-34, 1.5161331091198345e-34, 1.8260620142440974e-53, 8.086415835844593e-49]
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  8.23391997022047e-30, 5.220549814653682e-30, 1.665040775330767e-31, 1.6287700877090987e-44, 1.3043455222872805e-61, 3.6821472458732825e-9, 6.863512829318162e-25, 3.6771170552058965e-25, 9.979807767569023e-39, 7.218675196322838e-39]
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  1.0037247923574523e-20, 6.17993998587632e-21, 3.772815609901226e-22, 3.521549469355037e-33, 6.765897480868023e-52, 1.1196445589629383e-7, 4.205657619757498e-19, 4.536546819359947e-19, 7.4693580958375195e-28, 2.083588318564695e-32]
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  4.908458497667812e-13, 2.9060727865728184e-13, 3.5971580000417557e-14, 5.312123913386845e-23, 1.4276295087831808e-43, 1.8093743100641382e-7, 9.27098723225602e-15, 2.192002102304295e-14, 3.594755349154432e-18, -1.6298087013358494e-26]
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  3.0829497438864826e-7, 1.685120218904999e-7, 4.4773936794186886e-8, 2.1269125888694875e-14, 2.869025096521627e-37, 1.4318543489079493e-8, 8.618275784888957e-13, 7.143467422040313e-12, 2.740717522881799e-10, 6.812201191203553e-24]
 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 31.830988618379067, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  …  6.328015246343963e-6, 3.345492869067269e-6, 1.1443535522097138e-6, 4.276332819229381e-12, 7.548437172778271e-36, 2.862046871670017e-9, 1.7195462706059908e-13, 1.0367224737470748e-11, 2.6911442304263533e-8, 1.1926434933074073e-21]

We need derivatives = true so that we can use the higher order interpolants Sibson(1), Hiyoshi(2), and Farin() below - if you don't use those, then you shouldn't need this option (unless you want to later differentiate the interpolant using differentiate, then yes you do need it).

We can then evaluate this interpolant by simply calling it. The most efficient way to call it is by providing it with a vector of points, rather than broadcasting over points, since multithreading can be used in this case. Let us interpolate at the grid from before, which requires us to collect it into a vector:

_x = [x for x in x, _ in y] |> vec
_y = [y for _ in x, y in y] |> vec;

We will look at all the interpolants provided by NaturalNeighbours.jl.[1]

sibson_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Sibson())
triangle_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Triangle()) # this is the same as pl_interpolate
laplace_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Laplace())
sibson_1_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Sibson(1))
nearest_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Nearest())
farin_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Farin())
hiyoshi_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Hiyoshi(2))
pde_vals = sol.u[4];

We visualise these results as follows.

fig = Figure(fontsize=38)
all_vals = (sibson_vals, triangle_vals, laplace_vals, sibson_1_vals, nearest_vals, farin_vals, hiyoshi_vals, pde_vals)
titles = ("(a): Sibson", "(b): Triangle", "(c): Laplace", "(d): Sibson-1", "(e): Nearest", "(f): Farin", "(g): Hiyoshi", "(h): PDE")
fig = Figure(fontsize=55, resolution=(6350, 1550)) # resolution from resize_to_layout!(fig) - had to manually adjust to fix missing ticks
for (i, (vals, title)) in enumerate(zip(all_vals, titles))
    ax2d = Axis(fig[1, i], xlabel="x", ylabel="y", width=600, height=600, title=title, titlealign=:left)
    ax3d = Axis3(fig[2, i], xlabel="x", ylabel="y", width=600, height=600, title=title, titlealign=:left)
    ax3d.zlabeloffset[] = 125
    xlims!(ax2d, -4, 6)
    ylims!(ax2d, -4, 4)
    xlims!(ax3d, -4, 6)
    ylims!(ax3d, -4, 4)
    if vals ≠ pde_vals
        contourf!(ax2d, _x, _y, vals, colormap=:matter, levels=0:0.001:0.1, extendlow=:auto, extendhigh=:auto)
        vals = copy(vals)
        vals[(_x.<-4).|(_x.>6)] .= NaN
        vals[(_y.<-4).|(_y.>4)] .= NaN # This is the only way to fix the weird issues with Axis3 when changing the (x/y/z)lims...
        surface!(ax3d, _x, _y, vals, color=vals, colormap=:matter, colorrange=(0, 0.1))
        tricontourf!(ax2d, tri, vals, colormap=:matter, levels=0:0.001:0.1, extendlow=:auto, extendhigh=:auto)
        triangles = [T[j] for T in each_solid_triangle(tri), j in 1:3]
        x = getx.(get_points(tri))
        y = gety.(get_points(tri))
        vals = copy(vals)
        vals[(x.<-4).|(x.>6)] .= NaN
        vals[(y.<-4).|(y.>4)] .= NaN # This is the only way to fix the weird issues with Axis3 when changing the (x/y/z)lims...
        mesh!(ax3d, hcat(x, y, vals), triangles, color=vals, colormap=:matter, colorrange=(0, 0.1))
Example block output

We note that natural neighbour interpolation is not technically well defined for constrained triangulations. In this case it is fine, but for regions with, say, holes or non-convex boundaries, you may run into issues. For such cases, you should usually call the interpolant with project=false to at least help the procedure a bit. You may also be interested in identify_exterior_points. We consider interpolating data over a region with holes in this annulus example.

Just the code

An uncommented version of this example is given below. You can view the source code for this file here.

using DelaunayTriangulation, FiniteVolumeMethod, LinearAlgebra, CairoMakie
L = 30
tri = triangulate_rectangle(-L, L, -L, L, 2, 2, single_boundary=true)
tot_area = get_area(tri)
max_area_function = (A, r) -> 1e-6tot_area * r^2 / A
area_constraint = (_tri, T) -> begin
    u, v, w = triangle_vertices(T)
    p, q, r = get_point(_tri, u, v, w)
    c = (p .+ q .+ r) ./ 3
    dist_to_origin = norm(c)
    A = DelaunayTriangulation.triangle_area(p, q, r)
    flag = A ≥ max_area_function(A, dist_to_origin)
    return flag
refine!(tri; min_angle=33.0, custom_constraint=area_constraint)

mesh = FVMGeometry(tri)

BCs = BoundaryConditions(mesh, (x, y, t, u, p) -> zero(u), Dirichlet)

ε = 1 / 10
f = (x, y) -> 1 / (ε^2 * π) * exp(-(x^2 + y^2) / ε^2)
initial_condition = [f(x, y) for (x, y) in DelaunayTriangulation.each_point(tri)]
flux_function = (x, y, t, α, β, γ, p) -> begin
    ∂x = α
    ∂y = β
    u = α * x + β * y + γ
    qx = p.ν * u - p.D * ∂x
    qy = -p.D * ∂y
    return (qx, qy)
flux_parameters = (D=0.02, ν=0.05)
final_time = 250.0
prob = FVMProblem(mesh, BCs;

using OrdinaryDiffEq, LinearSolve
times = [0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250]
sol = solve(prob, TRBDF2(linsolve=KLUFactorization()), saveat=times)

using CairoMakie
fig = Figure(fontsize=38)
for i in eachindex(sol)
    ax = Axis(fig[1, i], width=400, height=400,
        xlabel="x", ylabel="y",
        title="t = $(sol.t[i])",
    tricontourf!(ax, tri, sol.u[i], levels=0:0.00001:0.001, extendhigh=:auto, extendlow=:auto, colormap=:matter)
    ylims!(ax, -10, 10)

        !DelaunayTriangulation.has_vertex(tri, i) && continue

x = LinRange(-L, L, 250)
y = LinRange(-L, L, 250)
triangles = Matrix{NTuple{3,Int}}(undef, length(x), length(y))
for j in eachindex(y)
    for i in eachindex(x)
        triangles[i, j] = jump_and_march(tri, (x[i], y[j]))
interpolated_vals = zeros(length(x), length(y), length(sol))
for k in eachindex(sol)
    for j in eachindex(y)
        for i in eachindex(x)
            interpolated_vals[i, j, k] = pl_interpolate(prob, triangles[i, j], sol.u[k], x[i], y[j])

_tri = triangulate([[x for x in x, _ in y] |> vec [y for _ in x, y in y] |> vec]')
fig = Figure(fontsize=38)
for i in eachindex(sol)
    ax = Axis(fig[1, i], width=400, height=400,
        xlabel="x", ylabel="y",
        title="t = $(sol.t[i])",
    tricontourf!(ax, _tri, interpolated_vals[:, :, i] |> vec, levels=0:0.00001:0.001, extendhigh=:auto, extendlow=:auto, colormap=:matter)
    ylims!(ax, -10, 10)

using NaturalNeighbours
itp = interpolate(tri, sol.u[4], derivatives=true) # sol.t[4] == 50

_x = [x for x in x, _ in y] |> vec
_y = [y for _ in x, y in y] |> vec;

sibson_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Sibson())
triangle_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Triangle()) # this is the same as pl_interpolate
laplace_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Laplace())
sibson_1_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Sibson(1))
nearest_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Nearest())
farin_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Farin())
hiyoshi_vals = itp(_x, _y; method=Hiyoshi(2))
pde_vals = sol.u[4];

fig = Figure(fontsize=38)
all_vals = (sibson_vals, triangle_vals, laplace_vals, sibson_1_vals, nearest_vals, farin_vals, hiyoshi_vals, pde_vals)
titles = ("(a): Sibson", "(b): Triangle", "(c): Laplace", "(d): Sibson-1", "(e): Nearest", "(f): Farin", "(g): Hiyoshi", "(h): PDE")
fig = Figure(fontsize=55, resolution=(6350, 1550)) # resolution from resize_to_layout!(fig) - had to manually adjust to fix missing ticks
for (i, (vals, title)) in enumerate(zip(all_vals, titles))
    ax2d = Axis(fig[1, i], xlabel="x", ylabel="y", width=600, height=600, title=title, titlealign=:left)
    ax3d = Axis3(fig[2, i], xlabel="x", ylabel="y", width=600, height=600, title=title, titlealign=:left)
    ax3d.zlabeloffset[] = 125
    xlims!(ax2d, -4, 6)
    ylims!(ax2d, -4, 4)
    xlims!(ax3d, -4, 6)
    ylims!(ax3d, -4, 4)
    if vals ≠ pde_vals
        contourf!(ax2d, _x, _y, vals, colormap=:matter, levels=0:0.001:0.1, extendlow=:auto, extendhigh=:auto)
        vals = copy(vals)
        vals[(_x.<-4).|(_x.>6)] .= NaN
        vals[(_y.<-4).|(_y.>4)] .= NaN # This is the only way to fix the weird issues with Axis3 when changing the (x/y/z)lims...
        surface!(ax3d, _x, _y, vals, color=vals, colormap=:matter, colorrange=(0, 0.1))
        tricontourf!(ax2d, tri, vals, colormap=:matter, levels=0:0.001:0.1, extendlow=:auto, extendhigh=:auto)
        triangles = [T[j] for T in each_solid_triangle(tri), j in 1:3]
        x = getx.(get_points(tri))
        y = gety.(get_points(tri))
        vals = copy(vals)
        vals[(x.<-4).|(x.>6)] .= NaN
        vals[(y.<-4).|(y.>4)] .= NaN # This is the only way to fix the weird issues with Axis3 when changing the (x/y/z)lims...
        mesh!(ax3d, hcat(x, y, vals), triangles, color=vals, colormap=:matter, colorrange=(0, 0.1))

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  • 1This list is available from ?NaturalNeighbours.AbstractInterpolator. Look at the help page (?) for the respective interpolators or NaturalNeighbours.jl's documentation for more information.