
Documentation for FiniteVolumeMethod1D.

This is a package for solving equations of the form

\[\dfrac{\partial u(x, t)}{\partial x} = \dfrac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(D\left(u, x, t\right)\dfrac{\partial u(x, t)}{\partial x}\right) + R(u, x, t),\]

using the finite volume method over intervals $a \leq x \leq b$ and $t_0 \leq t \leq t_1$, with support for the following types of boundary conditions (shown at $x = a$, but you can mix boundary condition types, e.g. Neumann at $x=a$ and Robin at $x=b$):

\[\begin{align*} \begin{array}{rrcl} \text{Neumann}: & \dfrac{\partial u(a, t)}{\partial t} & = & a_0\left(u(a, t), t\right), \\[9pt] \text{Dirichlet}: & u(a, t) & = & a_0\left(u(a, t), t\right), \end{array} \end{align*}\]

where the Dirichlet condition has $u(a, t)$ mapping from $a_0(u(a, t), t)$ (i.e., it is not an implicit equation for $u(a, t)$).

More information is given in the sidebar, and the docstrings are below.

If you want a more complete two-dimensional version, please see my other package FiniteVolumeMethod.jl.

BoundaryConditions{L, R}

The boundary conditions for the FVMProblem.


  • lhs::L: The left-hand side boundary condition.
  • rhs::R: The right-hand side boundary condition.

See also Dirichlet and Neumann for the types of boundary conditions you can construct.

Dirichlet{F,P} <: AbstractBoundaryCondition{F,P}

A Dirichlet boundary condition with fields f and p (default p = nothing), with f being a function of the form f(u, p) and p being the parameters for f.

A Dirichlet boundary condition takes the form

\[u(a, t) ↤ f(u(a, t), t, p),\]

where a is one of the endpoints.


Dirichlet(f::Function, p = nothing) -> Dirichlet(f, p)
Dirichlet(; f, p = nothing)         -> Dirichlet(f, p)
Dirichlet(v::Number)                -> Dirichlet((u, t, p) -> oftype(u, v), nothing)

Definition of the geometry for a finite volume method problem.


  • mesh_points::T: The mesh points. Must be sorted.
  • spacings::T: The spacings between the mesh points.
  • volumes::T: The volumes of the cells defined by the mesh points.


To construct the geometry, you can directly call the default constructor,

FVMGeometry(mesh_points, spacings, volumes)

or you can call the convenience constructor,


which will compute the spacings and volumes for you.

See also FVMProblem.


Definition of an FVMProblem.


  • geometry::FVMGeometry{T}: The geometry of the problem.
  • boundary_conditions::BoundaryConditions{L, R}: The boundary conditions.
  • diffusion_function::DF: The diffusion function, of the form (u, x, t, p) -> Number, where p = diffusion_parameters.
  • diffusion_parameters::DP: The parameters for the diffusion function.
  • reaction_function::RF: The reaction function, of the form (u, x, t, p) -> Number, where p = reaction_parameters.
  • reaction_parameters::RP: The parameters for the reaction function.
  • initial_condition::IC: The initial condition, with initial_condition[i] corresponding to the value at geometry.mesh_points[i] and t = initial_time.
  • initial_time::FT: The initial time.
  • final_time::FT: The final time.


You can use the default constructor, but we also provide the constructor

    diffusion_parameters = nothing,
    reaction_function = Returns(0.0),
    reaction_parameters = nothing,
    initial_time = 0.0,

which provides some default values. Moreover, instead of providing geometry and boundary_conditions, you can use

FVMProblem(mesh_points, lhs, rhs; kwargs...)

which will construct geometry = FVMGeometry(mesh_points) and boundary_conditions = BoundaryConditions(lhs, rhs). The kwargs... are as above, except without geometry and boundary_conditions of course.

To solve the FVMProblem, just use solve as you would in DifferentialEquations.jl. For example,

sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), saveat=0.1)

solves the problem with the Tsit5() algorithm, saving the solution every 0.1 units of time from initial_time up to, and including, final_time.

Neumann{F,P} <: AbstractBoundaryCondition{F,P}

A Neumann boundary condition with fields f and p (default p = nothing), with f being a function of the form f(u, t, p) and p being the parameters for f.

A Neumann boundary condition takes the form

\[\dfrac{\partial u}{\partial x}(a, t) = f(u(a, t), t, p),\]

where a is one of the endpoints.


Neumann(f::Function, p = nothing) -> Neumann(f, p)
Neumann(; f, p = nothing)         -> Neumann(f, p)
Neumann(v::Number)                -> Neumann((u, t, p) -> oftype(u, v), nothing)