Dummy Derivatives and Reordering of Equations

Consider a single pendulum in the Cartesian coordinate

\[\begin{align} &e_1: x'' - \lambda x = 0 \\ &e_2: y'' - (\lambda y - g) = 0 \\ &e_3: x^2 + y^2 - 1 = 0. \end{align}\]

Its incidence matrix with respect to the highest differentiated variables $\{x'', y'', \lambda\}$ is

\[\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}\]

We can obtain a structurally non-singular incidence matrix if we were to differentiate the last equation two times and get:

\[\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}\]

The perfect matching $m$ can be $1 \mapsto 1, 2 \mapsto 3, 3 \mapsto 2$. According to the perfect matching, we need to interchange the second and the third row of the incidence matrix to move all nonzero entries to the diagonal.

\[\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 \end{pmatrix}\]

The matching also informs us that we can attempt to solve the highest order differentiated variables by the assignment

\[\begin{align} &e_1: \lambda \mapsto x'' \\ &e_3: x'' \mapsto y'' \\ &e_2: y'' \mapsto \lambda \end{align}\]

Hence, we have the following dependency graph

flowchart LR
    A(x'') --> B(λ)
    C(y'') --> A
    B --> C

Since all the variables are in one strongly connected component, unfortunately, we cannot break the nonlinear system into smaller subsystems. Let's implement the differentiated system and solve it numerically.

using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots, LinearAlgebra
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D

function pend_manual(out, u, g, t)
    ẋ, x, ẏ, y, λ = u
    ẍ = out[1] = λ * x
    out[2] = ẋ
    ÿ = out[3] = λ * y - g
    out[4] = ẏ
    # x^2 + y^2 - 1
    # x' x + y' y
    # x'' x + x'^2 + y'' y + y'^2
    out[5] = ẍ*x + ẋ^2 + ÿ*y + ẏ^2
fun = ODEFunction(pend_manual, mass_matrix = Diagonal([1, 1, 1, 1, 0]))
prob = ODEProblem(fun, [0, 1, 0, 0, 0.0], (0, 500.0), 1)
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5P())
plot(sol.t, (@. sol[2, :]^2 + sol[4, :]^2), lab = "d0")
Example block output
plot(sol.t, (@. sol[1, :] * sol[2, :] + sol[3, :] * sol[4, :]), lab = "d1")
Example block output

Note that the original constraints are not satisfied and, even worse, the residual drifts over time. Let's plot the pendulum in the Cartesian coordinate over time.

plot(sol, idxs = (2, 4), lab = "pendulum", aspect_ratio = 1)
Example block output

The drift causes the system to be completely unphysical.

The issue stems from the fact that we are not explicitly enforcing length and momentum constraints in the differentiated DAE system. However, if we were to enforce the equations simultaneously

\[\begin{align} &e_3: x^2 + y^2 - 1 &= 0 \\ &e'_3: x' x + y' y &= 0 \\ &e''_3: x'' x + x'^2 + y'' y + y'^2 &= 0 \end{align}\]

We will get an under-determined system that is not numerically integrable. However, we only need to balance the number of highest order differentiated variables with the number of equations. We can demote highest order differentiated variables to algebraic variables to increase the number of highest order differentiated variables by $1$. Also, since our objective it to increase the number of highest order differentiated variables by the number of differentiated equations introduced during index reduction, we can just focus on the incidence matrix $\mathfrak{I}(F_d, \{z_i\})$, where $F_d$ denotes differentiated equations. For the pendulum system, we have

\[\mathfrak{I}(e''_3, \{x'', y'', \lambda\}) = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}.\]

Furthermore, we want the newly introduced algebraic variables to be solvable. By analyzing the incidence matrix, we can conclude that we can pick either $x''$ or $y''$. Let's arbitrarily pick $x''$, we have

\[\mathfrak{I}(e''_3, \{x''\}) = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \end{pmatrix}\]

which is structurally nonsingular. After demoteing $x''$ to an algebraic variable, the remaining highest order differentiated variable associated with $x$ is $x'$. Thus, we need to pick a variable in

\[\mathfrak{I}(e'_3, \{x'\}) = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \end{pmatrix}\]

so that the incidence matrix is structurally nonsingular. Trivially, we can just pick $x'$. From the above process, we can demote $x''\in \{u'_i\}$ and $x'\in \{u'_i\}$ to algebraic variables $x_{dd}\in\{u_i\}$ and $x_d\in\{u_i\}$. We get the system

\[\begin{align} &e_1: x_{dd} - \lambda x = 0 \\ &e_2: y'' - (\lambda y - g) = 0 \\ &e_3: x^2 + y^2 - 1 = 0 \\ &e'_3: x_d x + y' y = 0 \\ &e''_3: x_{dd} x + x_{d}^2 + y'' y + y'^2 = 0, \end{align}\]

with the corresponding incidence matrix

\[\mathfrak{I}(F, \{x_{dd}, x_{d}, x, y'', \lambda\}) = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}\]

A perfect matching $m$ for this system can be $1\mapsto 5, 2\mapsto 4, 3\mapsto 3, 4\mapsto 2, 5\mapsto 1$, i.e. we can reverse all rows to move all nonzeros to the diagonal

\[\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}.\]

Note that if we reorder the variables to $\{x\}, \{x_{d}\}, \{y'', \lambda, x_{dd}\}$ according to the matching, the equation order should be $\{e_3, e'_3, e_2, e_1, e''_3\}$ the incidence matrix is then

\[\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}.\]

The reordered original system is then

\[\begin{align} &e_3: x^2 + y^2 - 1 = 0 \\ &e'_3: x_d x + y' y = 0 \\ &e_2: y'' - (\lambda y - g) = 0 \\ &e_1: x_{dd} - \lambda x = 0 \\ &e''_3: x_{dd} x + x_{d}^2 + y'' y + y'^2 = 0, \end{align}\]

and applying the symbolic solving, we have

\[\begin{align} &e_3: x^2 + y^2 - 1 = 0 \\ &e'_3: x_d := -\frac{y' y}{x} \\ &e_2: y'' = \lambda y - g\\ &e_1: x_{dd} := \lambda x \\ &e''_3: x_{dd} x + x_{d}^2 + y'' y + y'^2 = 0, \end{align}.\]

The above system is still second order, we can lower its order to one if we introduce a variable $y' = v$, i.e.

\[\begin{align} &e_0: y' = v \\ &e_3: x^2 + y^2 - 1 = 0 \\ &e'_3: x_d = -\frac{v y}{x} \\ &e_2: v' = \lambda y - g\\ &e_1: x_{dd} = \lambda x \\ &e''_3: x_{dd} x + x_{d}^2 + v' y + v^2 = 0, \end{align}\]

Note that $v'$ appears nonlinearly in $e''_3$, so it is impossible to implement the above system in the mass matrix formulation $Mu' = f(u, p, t)$. However, we can substitute $e_2$ to $e''_3$ to alleviate this problem. Let's implement this simplified system and solve it using a numerical solver.

function pend_manual_2(out, u, g, t)
    y, x, v, λ = u
    out[1] = v
    out[2] = x^2 + y^2 - 1
    x_d = -v*y/x
    v̇ = out[3] = λ * y - g
    x_dd = λ * x
    out[4] = x_dd * x + x_d^2 + v̇ * y + v^2
fun = ODEFunction(pend_manual_2, mass_matrix = Diagonal([1, 0, 1, 0]))
prob = ODEProblem(fun, [0, 1, 0, 0.0], (0, 500.0), 1)
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5P())
plot(sol.t, (@. sol[1, :]^2 + sol[2, :]^2), lab = "d0", ylims = (0, 2))
Example block output
plot(sol.t, (@. sol[2, :] * (-sol[3, :] * sol[1, :] / sol[2, :]) + sol[1, :] * sol[3, :]), lab = "d1", ylims = (-1, 1))
Example block output
plot(sol, idxs = (2, 1), lab = "pendulum", aspect_ratio = 1)
Example block output

Note that this formulation solves the drift problem. However, this time, the numerical solver terminates early at $x = 0$. The root problem is that the true symbolic Jacobian is

\[\mathfrak{J}(e''_3, \{x'', y'', \lambda\}) = \begin{pmatrix} x & y & 0 \end{pmatrix},\]

and when $x=0$, the sub-matrix that we selected will become numerically singular. Even if we initially pick $y$, we would run into a similar problem when $y=0$. Therefore, a globally valid state selection does not exist in this system. We can implement the same system in ModelingToolkit and see the same behavior.

@parameters g
@variables x(t) y(t) [state_priority = 10] λ(t)

eqs = [
       D(D(x)) ~ λ * x
       D(D(y)) ~ λ * y - g
       x^2 + y^2 ~ 1
@named pend = ODESystem(eqs,t)
pend = complete(pend)
ss = structural_simplify(pend)
prob_ir = ODEProblem(ss, [ModelingToolkit.missing_variable_defaults(ss); x => 1], (0.0, 25.0), [g => 1])
sol = solve(prob_ir, Rodas5P())
plot(sol, idxs = (x, y), lab = "pendulum", aspect_ratio = 1)
Example block output

To have a globally valid state selection, we must pick the polar coordinate, and the system is then

\[\begin{align} &e_1: x'' - \lambda x = 0 \\ &e_2: y'' - (\lambda y - g) = 0 \\ &e_3: x = \cos(\theta) \\ &e_3: y = \sin(\theta). \end{align}\]

To save the hassle of running algorithms by hand, we can just implement the new system in ModelingToolkit.

@parameters g
@variables x(t) y(t) λ(t) θ(t) [state_priority = 10] T(t) V(t) E(t)
eqs = [
       D(D(x)) ~ λ * x
       D(D(y)) ~ λ * y - g
       x ~ cos(θ)
       y ~ sin(θ)
       T ~ (D(x)^2 + D(y)^2) / 2
       V ~ y * g
       E ~ T + V
@named pend = ODESystem(eqs,t)
pend = complete(pend)
ss = structural_simplify(pend)
prob_ir = ODEProblem(ss, ModelingToolkit.missing_variable_defaults(ss), (0.0, 25.0), [g => 1])
sol = solve(prob_ir, Rodas5P())
plot(sol, idxs = (x, y), lab = "pendulum", aspect_ratio = 1)
Example block output

The trajectory looks perfect! For another sanity check, let's plot the energy variation of the system

plot(sol, idxs = [E-sol[E, 1]])
Example block output

Unfortunately, we see that the total energy is slowly increasing. This is because Rodas5P is not symplectic. A relatively straightforward compiler internal project is to lower second dynamical systems directly to a SecondOrderODEProblem so that users can use symplectic integrators from ModelingToolkit as well. Finally, we note that a detail description of the balancing algorithm is available in the original dummy derivative paper [Mattsson1993].

Bonus Demo

@parameters g
@variables x1(t) x2(t) y1(t) y2(t) λ1(t) λ2(t) θ1(t) [state_priority = 10] θ2(t) [state_priority = 10]
@variables T(t) V(t) lx2(t) ly2(t)
eqs = [
       D(D(x1)) ~ λ1 * x1 - λ2 * lx2
       D(D(y1)) ~ λ1 * y1 - λ2 * ly2 - g
       x1 ~ cos(θ1)
       y1 ~ sin(θ1)
       D(D(x2)) ~ λ2 * lx2
       D(D(y2)) ~ λ2 * ly2 - g
       lx2 ~ cos(θ2)
       ly2 ~ sin(θ2)
       x2 ~ lx2 + x1
       y2 ~ ly2 + y1
       T ~ (D(x1)^2 + D(y1)^2) / 2 + (D(x2)^2 + D(y2)^2) / 2
       V ~ y1 * g + y2 * g

@named pend = ODESystem(eqs,t)
pend = complete(pend)
ss = structural_simplify(pend)
prob_ir = ODEProblem(ss,
                     [ModelingToolkit.missing_variable_defaults(ss); θ2=>1.4],
                     (0.0, 25.0), [g => 1])
sol = solve(prob_ir, Rodas5P(), reltol=1e-7, abstol=1e-9)
plot(sol, idxs = (x1, y1))
plot!(sol, idxs = (x2, y2), xlab = "x", ylab = "y", aspect_ratio=1, dpi=400)
Example block output
plot(sol, idxs = [T+V-sol[T+V, 1]])
Example block output

Plotting code:

nframes = ceil(Int, sol.t[end]*20)
ts = range(0, sol.t[end], length=nframes)
fps = 20
loop_pend = let (x1s, y1s, x2s, y2s) = [Float64[] for _ in 1:4]
    @time @animate for t in ts
        @show t
        nnn = sol(t, idxs=[x1, y1, x2, y2])
        push!(x1s, nnn[1])
        push!(y1s, nnn[2])
        push!(x2s, nnn[3])
        push!(y2s, nnn[4])
        x1s = x1s[max(1, end-100):end]
        y1s = y1s[max(1, end-100):end]
        x2s = x2s[max(1, end-100):end]
        y2s = y2s[max(1, end-100):end]
        n = length(x1s)
        plot([0, x1s[end]], [0, y1s[end]], linewidth = 3, color=:black)
        plot!([x1s[end], x2s[end]], [y1s[end], y2s[end]], linewidth = 3, color=:black)
        linewidth = 10
        seriesalpha = 1
        if n != 1
            linewidth = range(0, linewidth, length = n)
            seriesalpha = range(0, seriesalpha, length = n)
        plot!(x1s, y1s; linewidth, seriesalpha)
        linewidth = 10
        if n != 1
            linewidth = range(0, linewidth, length = n)
        plot!(x2s, y2s; linewidth, seriesalpha,
              dpi = 400, aspect_ratio = 1,
              xlims = (-2.3, 2.3), ylims = (-2.3, 2.3),
              axis=false, leg = false, grid=false)
    end every 5
@time mp4(loop_pend, "double_pendulum.mp4"; fps)

Details on Reordering

Induced Directed Graphs

The induced directed graph $G = (V, E_v)$ from the destination vertices of a bipartite graph $(U, V, E)$ and a perfect matching $M$ is defined as

\[E_v = \{(i, j): (M(i), j) \in E\}.\]

Similarly, the induced directed graph $G = (V, E_u)$ from the source vertices is defined as

\[E_u = \{(i, j): (i, M^{-1}(j)) \in E\}.\]

Strongly Connected Component

A strongly connected component $c\subseteq E$ of a directed graph $G = (V, E)$ is a maximum cardinality set of vertices such that any pair $i \in c, j \in c$, there exists a path $i \rightsquigarrow j$ in $G$.

Strongly Connected Components Uniqueness Theorem

The strongly connected components are unique for induced directed graphs from bipartite graphs with a perfect matching.


See [DulmageMendelsohn1958].


Consider a nonlinear system represented by

\[\begin{align} f_1(v_1, v_3) &= 0 \\ f_2(v_1, v_3) &= 0 \\ f_3(v_1, v_2) &= 0 \end{align}\]

The incidence matrix is

\[\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}\]

where a perfect matching $m$ is then defined as

\[1 \mapsto 1, 2 \mapsto 3, 3 \mapsto 2.\]

The permuted matrix is then

\[\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}.\]

The matching can be interpreted as a solvability assignment, i.e.

\[\begin{align} v_1 &= \hat{f}_1(v_3) \\ v_2 &= \hat{f}_3(v_1) \\ v_3 &= \hat{f}_2(v_2) \end{align}\]

Even if all $\{\hat{f}_i\}$ are symbolically solvable, the above assignment will not work because the interdependence of variables. The strongly connected component definition captures this idea well. Variables in a non-trivial strongly connected component are the largest set of variables that are interdependent. The strongly connected components of the above system are $\{\{1, 3\}, \{2\}\}$. Thus, by the previous matching, we should reorder the equations as $e_1, e_2, e_3$ and variables as $v_1, v_3, v_2$ to isolate the interdependent part. The resulting system is then

\[\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}.\]

Note that resulting matrix is block lower triangular and this is not a coincidence. We can always reorder the system to be block lower triangular granted by the following theorem.

Condensation Graph

A condensation graph $G_c = (V_c, E_c)$ of a directed graph $G = (V, E)$ is a directed graph that has vertices

\[V_c = \{\text{strongly connected components of } G\},\]

and edges

\[E_c = \{(i, j): \exists i_e \in i, j_e \in j, i \ne j \land (i_e, j_e) \in E\}.\]

Condensation Graphs are Acyclic Theorem

The condensation graph $G_c = (V_c, E_c)$ induced from the directed graph $G = (V, E)$ is acyclic.


Suppose $G_c$ is cyclic with a cycle consisting of vertices $s = \{v_1, v_2, ...\} \subseteq V_c$. Then, any original vertices in $v_i$ has a path to any vertices in $v_j$ for all $i, j$. Thus, $G_c$ must have only one vertex. By the definition of a condensation graph, $G_c$ must has no edges, and therefore, no cycles.

Since the condensation graph has no cycles, we can topologically sort strongly connected components so that the resulting system is always block lower triangular. Further, each block on the diagonal must be square, because the perfect matching will map all variables in each strongly connected components to distinct equations.


using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, LinearAlgebra
import ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Hydraulic.IsothermalCompressible as IC
import ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks as B
import ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Mechanical.Translational as T
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D

function System(use_input, f; name)

    pars = @parameters begin
        p_s = 200e5
        p_r = 5e5

        A_1 = 360e-4
        A_2 = 360e-4

        p_1 = 45e5
        p_2 = 45e5

        l_1 = 0.01
        l_2 = 0.05
        m_f = 250
        g = 0

        d = 100e-3

        Cd = 0.01

        m_piston = 880

    vars = @variables begin
        ddx(t) = 0

    systems = @named begin
        src = IC.FixedPressure(; p = p_s)
        valve = IC.SpoolValve2Way(; p_s_int = p_s, p_a_int = p_1, p_b_int = p_2,
            p_r_int = p_r, g, m = m_f, x_int = 0, d, Cd)
        piston = IC.Actuator(5;
            p_a_int = p_1,
            p_b_int = p_2,
            area_a = A_1,
            area_b = A_2,
            length_a_int = l_1,
            length_b_int = l_2,
            m = m_piston,
            g = 0,
            x_int = 0,
            minimum_volume_a = A_1 * 1e-3,
            minimum_volume_b = A_2 * 1e-3,
            damping_volume_a = A_1 * 5e-3,
            damping_volume_b = A_2 * 5e-3)
        body = T.Mass(; m = 1500)
        pipe = IC.Tube(5; p_int = p_2, area = A_2, length = 2.0)
        snk = IC.FixedPressure(; p = p_r)
        pos = T.Position()

        m1 = IC.FlowDivider(; p_int = p_2, n = 3)
        m2 = IC.FlowDivider(; p_int = p_2, n = 3)

        fluid = IC.HydraulicFluid()

    if use_input
        @named input = B.SampledData(Float64)
        @named input = B.TimeVaryingFunction(f)

    push!(systems, input)

    eqs = [connect(input.output, pos.s)
        connect(valve.flange, pos.flange)
        connect(valve.port_a, piston.port_a)
        connect(piston.flange, body.flange)
        connect(piston.port_b, m1.port_a)
        connect(m1.port_b, pipe.port_b)
        connect(pipe.port_a, m2.port_b)
        connect(m2.port_a, valve.port_b)
        connect(src.port, valve.port_s)
        connect(snk.port, valve.port_r)
        connect(fluid, src.port, snk.port)
        D(body.v) ~ ddx]

    ODESystem(eqs, t, vars, pars; name, systems)

@named system = System(true, nothing)

# sys = structural_simplify(system)
using ModelingToolkit.StructuralTransformations, ModelingToolkit.BipartiteGraphs,
ts = TearingState(ModelingToolkit.expand_connections(system))
m = BipartiteGraphs.maximal_matching(ts.structure.graph, _->true, x->ts.structure.var_to_diff[x] === nothing);
count(x->x isa Int, m)
count(x->x===nothing, ts.structure.eq_to_diff)
m = BipartiteGraphs.maximal_matching(ts.structure.graph, x->ts.structure.eq_to_diff[x]===nothing, x->ts.structure.var_to_diff[x] === nothing);
count(x->x isa Int, m)
count(x->x===nothing, ts.structure.eq_to_diff)
M = incidence_matrix(ts.structure.graph)
A = M[Int[m[i] for i in eachindex(m) if m[i] isa Int], Int[i for i in eachindex(m) if m[i] isa Int]]
all(isequal(1), diag(A))
g = BipartiteGraphs.DiCMOBiGraph{true}(complete(ts.structure.graph), complete(m));
scc = strongly_connected_components(g);
M[Int[m[i] for i in reduce(vcat, scc) if m[i] isa Int], Int[i for i in reduce(vcat, scc) if m[i] isa Int]]
for c in scc
    length(c) > 1 || continue
    B = M[Int[m[i] for i in c if m[i] isa Int], Int[i for i in c if m[i] isa Int]]
using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D

@parameters g
@variables x1(t) x2(t) y1(t) y2(t) λ1(t) λ2(t) θ1(t) [state_priority = 10] θ2(t) [state_priority = 10]
eqs = [
       D(D(x1)) ~ λ1 * x1,
       D(D(y1)) ~ λ1 * y1 - g,
       x1 ~ cos(θ1),
       y1 ~ sin(θ1),
       D(D(x2)) ~ λ2 * x2,
       D(D(y2)) ~ λ2 * y2 - g,
       x2 ~ x1 + cos(θ2),
       y2 ~ y1 + sin(θ2),

@named pend = ODESystem(eqs,t)
pend = complete(pend)
ss = structural_simplify(pend)
prob_ir = ODEProblem(ss,
     θ1 => 0
     θ2 => 0
     D(θ1) => 0.0
     D(θ2) => 0.0
     λ1 => 0
     λ2 => 0
    (0.0, 25.0), [g => 1])
sol = solve(prob_ir, Rodas5P())
plot(sol, idxs = (x1, y1))
plot!(sol, idxs = (x2, y2), xlab = "x", ylab = "y", aspect_ratio=1, dpi=400)
nframes = ceil(Int, sol.t[end]*20)
ts = range(0, sol.t[end], length=nframes)
fps = 20
let (x1s, y1s, x2s, y2s) = [Float64[] for _ in 1:4]
    loop_pend = @time @animate for t in ts
        nnn = sol(t, idxs=[x1, y1, x2, y2])
        push!(x1s, nnn[1])
        push!(y1s, nnn[2])
        push!(x2s, nnn[3])
        push!(y2s, nnn[4])
        x1s = x1s[max(1, end-100):end]
        y1s = y1s[max(1, end-100):end]
        x2s = x2s[max(1, end-100):end]
        y2s = y2s[max(1, end-100):end]
        n = length(x1s)
        plot([0, x1s[end]], [0, y1s[end]], linewidth = 3, color=:black)
        plot!([x1s[end], x2s[end]], [y1s[end], y2s[end]], linewidth = 3, color=:black)
        linewidth = 10
        seriesalpha = 1
        if n != 1
            linewidth = range(0, linewidth, length = n)
            seriesalpha = range(0, seriesalpha, length = n)
        plot!(x1s, y1s; linewidth, seriesalpha)
        linewidth = 10
        if n != 1
            linewidth = range(0, linewidth, length = n)
        plot!(x2s, y2s; linewidth, seriesalpha,
              dpi = 400, aspect_ratio = 1,
              xlims = (-2.3, 2.3), ylims = (-2.3, 1),
              axis=false, leg = false, grid=false)
    end every 5
    @time mp4(loop_pend, "double_pendulum.mp4"; fps)
  • Mattsson1993Mattsson, Sven Erik, and Gustaf Söderlind. "Index reduction in differential-algebraic equations using dummy derivatives." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 14.3 (1993): 677-692.
  • DulmageMendelsohn1958Dulmage, Andrew L., and Nathan S. Mendelsohn. "Coverings of bipartite graphs." Canadian Journal of Mathematics 10 (1958): 517-534.